Image of an African American man in a business suit and an African American woman in a business suit smiling at the camera for the blog "Integrating DEI into Your Interviewing and Hiring Process"

Organizations can successfully integrate diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into their interviewing and hiring process only by first having sound systems in place that will support it. To develop successful diversity hiring practices, organizations can begin by dividing the hiring process into three parts:

  • recruiting,
  • interviewing, and
  • making the hiring decision

Each of these parts should be analyzed at both the individual and organizational levels for structure, consistency, and inclusiveness. First, hiring managers, interviewers, and recruiters should understand and agree on clearly defined minimum job requirements and essential job functions for each open position, including for internal promotional positions. Second, every employee involved in the hiring process, from recruiters to hiring managers, should be trained on both interviewing skills and cultural competencies.

Job descriptions, interview questions, and applicant rating systems should reflect the essential job functions. Having a foundational structure that includes all of these is essential to integrating DEI into your hiring process. It is also crucial to have consistency in your hiring practices.

For example, one hiring manager wanted the “perfect fit” for a job, who happened to be a co-worker’s European American relative. However, this applicant did not meet the minimum qualifications, and there were diverse applicants already screened and fully qualified for the job. When the hiring manager pushed to hire this candidate, the HR Director was able to enforce the well-defined structured hiring process, remain consistent in their hiring practices, and ultimately meet the organization’s goal of hiring a more diverse workforce.

Once a solid foundation of hiring, interviewing, and recruiting practices is in place, an organization can successfully integrate DEI into their entire hiring process. On the surface, educating all who are involved in your hiring process may appear to be a daunting task. But with the Integrating Diversity & Inclusion Into the Hiring Process online training and book, it is a straightforward process focused specifically on that. These resources will walk you through identifying unconscious bias, building cultural competencies and skills for interviewing, and integrating DEI into your organization’s hiring practices.


Copyright © 2022 Lila Kelly Associates, LLC. Not to be reprinted without written permission from Lila Kelly. Integrating Diversity into Interviewing, Hiring, Recruiting and Retention – Since 1992. This article includes excerpts from Lila Kelly’s research-based online training and books at To stay up to date on all the latest from Lila Kelly Associates LLC & subscribe to our newsletter.